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How to Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer

Injuries can result in significant setbacks for victims. Not only to injury victims have to deal with physical and emotional pain and suffering, but they also likely have significant expenses that arise due to the injury. Any person who sustains an injury caused by the careless or negligent actions of another party should be able to recover compensation for their losses. However, it may be necessary to work with the personal injury attorney to secure adequate compensation. Here, we want to discuss steps you can take to choose the correct personal injury lawyer for your case.

Questions to Ask an Attorney

You may want to meet with several personal injury attorneys in Coweta County before you decide which one you want to help with your case. However, you need to go to every consultation with an attorney prepared with questions of your own. Some of the most pertinent questions that you should ask a personal injury lawyer include the following:

Who will work on my case?

While this may seem self-explanatory, you may not realize that the “lead” attorney that you go to is not always the one handling your case. Ask an attorney if a junior associate or a paralegal is going to be doing the work related to your case. Having somebody other than the attorney you hire handle your case may not sit well with you

How much do they cost?

Understandably, many personal injury victims have to be careful with their finances, particularly as they are waiting for compensation for their losses. Many personal injury lawyers will take a case on a contingency fee basis, which means that the client will pay no upfront or out-of-pocket costs for their case. When a contingency fee has been arranged, the personal injury attorney will not collect any legal fees until after the client secures the compensation they are entitled to.

What is their level of courtroom experience?

Despite what you have seen on TV or in movies, most civil personal injury cases do not go to trial. This means that many personal injury lawyers will not have much experience in the courtroom. Ask any potential attorney you want to hire whether or not they have courtroom experience and ask them what there case success rate is. Do not be afraid to search for an attorney who is willing to take your case all the way to trial if necessary.

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Unfortunately, most individuals do not have the resources to properly investigate the cause of their injury, determine liability for the incident, and secure maximum compensation. That is where a personal injury attorney will take over. Starting soon after your injury occurs, a personal injury attorney can use their resources to:

  • Gather any evidence related to the personal injury case that can prove liability. This includes any statements from eyewitnesses, accident reports, unobtained video footage, business safety records or employee training data, and more.
  • Work with trusted medical and economic professionals to properly evaluate their client and help calculate losses the client is expected to incur.
  • Handle negotiations with every party involved, including aggressive insurance carriers, in an attempt to reach a settlement for the personal injury case.
  • Fully prepare to take the personal injury case to trial if that is what is necessary to ensure the client receives the compensation they are entitled to.

A personal injury attorney is going to be your advocate in the aftermath of sustaining an injury caused by another party.